Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Devotion #2...from Kim

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to share some personal thoughts with you…. Hopefully, it challenges & encourages you as we get ready for India!

The Apostle Paul told the Corinthians, “You are like a letter written by Christ…” When I first read this, I thought how cool it is that my life is written personally by the hand of God. Then, I realized there is so much more to this statement.

A letter is used for communicating something. It may be something as simple as a short thank you, or something a little more personal, such as sympathy. Either way, when I write a letter, I want it to express what I am trying to say in my heart. As we go through life, the Hand of God is scripting out our letter, and it is a personal reflection of His heart.

Our lives communicate the heart of God.

And what good is a letter unless someone reads it? Why pour out your heart if no one is around to absorb it? Paul also told the Corinthians that they were epistles “known and read by everybody.” As God writes the story of our lives, people are reading it word for word. We are being read daily by those around us. Based on our lives, people are drawing conclusions about the authenticity of our love, the depths of our compassion, the genuineness of forgiveness and grace. They are drawing conclusions about the God we serve. Looking at us, what will people say about our God?

This thought has really challenged me to examine everything that I say & do... As we get ready for this missions experience, I ask that we all examine our lives. Examine our relationships. Examine the words that we speak. When people look at us, what will they say about our God?

Adam and I are so grateful for this team! We have all been hand-picked by God for such a time as this. Let’s reflect that as we represent our God, our churches, and our love in India….

Love you,


1 comment:

Katherine said...

This was such a good thought. I was really able to grasp the concept that everyone will read our lives...but what will they see. Thanks for the heart check!