Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Devotion #1...from Adam

So I am stuck on Matthew 5-7. I believe these are the pinnacle teachings of Christ. But I think that we fail to see the importance because we read them from the wrong perspective. Most of us read these chapters and they seem rudimentary, so we glance over them. But I’ve seen this passage of scripture in a whole new light.

We read Matthew 5-7 in numerical order and from the perspective of a saved person. But Christ taught them to people who had very limited knowledge of God and His dealings with mankind. If we read them from the end to the front they make a lot more sense to us.

Christ did not teach these things so that the disciple would be “ready” when he sent them out 3 chapters later in Matthew 10, like we will do shortly. He was telling us what God expects from us to be right with Him.

To be right with Him in Matt 7:24-27 says, that we have to build our lives on His teaching. Meaning we live for his will and all things we do are based on His dealing with us.

Matt 7:15-20…check the fruit of your life. What are you showing people? The tree never eats its’ own fruit. The fruit is for those that pass by. Is yours good or bad?

7:3-5…are you blinded to your issues and misgivings? If there is something you are ignoring in your life, it will hinder your relationship with God.

6:32…what kind of light do you have in you? Is your perspective good or bad, positive or negative? This affects everything you do.

Then we get to the beatitudes, 5:3-12. This is where we are comforted for falling short in all the other areas he talked about.

I encourage you to read these chapters again and see if there is any area that you are lacking. We are not just going to India. That is only a date on a calendar. We are to live for Christ everyday. God is going to do great things on this trip and we are privileged to be apart. But like Jesus said, “…rejoice rather that your name is written in heaven.” That is the ultimate privilege.

Love you guys

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